Wow! I'm back ladies and gentlemen, just a few days ago I created another blog entitled Day One Monster-- monsters in my head. It's a personal project that hopefully i can keep for until I don't feel like posting anymore, haha. I was wondering when that would be? soon? so soon like most probably next month? NO wag naman sana! The blog is a (not so) daily monster created by yours truly, it's a monster doodle a day, sure you have seen other sites which have the same concept. Copycat? Yah, it is a copycat, so what, everybody has food blog and it's not original concept. Everybody talks about themselves, certainly not original anymore. Everybody talks about their pet, not original anymore, too. Travels? so not original anymore, so why the heck not another monster blog? The only original about Day One Monster is that they are all my own monsters, they're kiko's monsters. Monsters kikofied one hundred percent!